Earth Pavilion / Creation
The Earth Pavilion will have the form of a snail and consist of seven rooms in each of which one of the days of creation will be presented with multimedia.
Water Pavilion / The Flood
The account of the great Flood in the Bible hides many riddles, and we would like to at least partially solve some of these in the Water Pavilion.
Air Pavilion / The Spirit
The life and work of Jesus Christ will be presented in the four petals: in the first petal the annunciation and birth, in the second the life and work, in the third the Passion and the Resurrection and ascension into heaven in the fourth.
Fire Pavilion / The End Times
The Fire Pavilion has three functional areas. 1. The End Times, 2. Judgment and 3. The New World.
The Ark of Noah
The Ark of Noah is the real center and main attraction of the theme-park. The dimensions of the ark would have amounted to 150 m long by 25 m wide by 15 m high.